Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 2016 Meeting

Emporia Amateur Radio Society
Science Hall 156, ESU
20 February 2016

Meeting Minutes:

1.      Call to Order - President, Tim East (KØEMP), called the meeting to order at 9:04 AM in SH156 with 14 members & 1 guest present.
         Prior to proceeding through the agenda items Tim East (KØEMP) showed sample educational material that is available to ARRL registered instructors.  He also discussed the 25% discount offered for the registered instructions on educational material.  He indicated that registering as an instructor is much simpler than getting approved as a Volunteer Examiner so anyone interested should go to the ARRL website to submit to be registered instructor.  Discussion was also had on the potential use of as another avenue for testing related items.
2.      Meeting Minutes - The minutes from the 16 January 2016 meeting were read by Jason Brinkman (KØSSZ) in lieu of printed / distributed meeting minutes which were approved as read.
3.      Treasurer’s Report – Jason Brinkman (KØSSZ) provided a verbal update on the status of the checking & savings accounts.
         Note:  Membership dues received after Jan 11th (including at the January and February eyeball meetings) will be deposited on 26 Feb 2016.
4.      Announcements and Reports
·         Executive Committee Meeting – Jan Exec. meeting not held due to scheduling conflicts.
·         Builder’s Corner –
o   George Phoenix (KDØRII) provided a demonstration of his new Sennheiser headset and PTT footswitch.
o   Tim East (KØEMP) gave a brief presentation on the Heathkit AM Receiver kit that he recently assembled.

·         Calling the Thursday Night Net – Sign-up sheet was passed with the results as follows:
25-Feb-16 KDØAZZ Dean Binns
03-Mar-16 WØNXS Lonnie Worthington
10-Mar-16 ADØSF David Claridge
17-Mar-16 ADØSF David Claridge
24-Mar-16 KDØOIX Dwight Moore
31-Mar-16 KCØUVH Linda Schock

·         Next Exam – TBD – potentially April 12th or 16th.
5.      Continuing discussion and activity items
·         Technician training with community – Four EARS members (KØEMP, ADØSF, KDØRTY & ADØSG) are providing a technician license training session meeting on Tuesday evenings at the church that Tim East (and family) attend.  There are six (6) students participating and they have completed the 9 of 18 ARRL training modules over the course of 3 weeks (3 modules per evening) with a mid-class review of the first 9 modules scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 23rd.
·         Trailer Committee Update – Jim Belford (WXØU) has completed the installation of the whiteboard walls and the BLT donated rubber mat flooring has been laid and is beginning to flatten as it had taken a set during storage.  The operating station desks / tables have been fabricated, welded and powder painted by Mike Pate (KCØNFG) and they are awaiting installation.  Dean Binns (KDØAZZ) is coordinating the donation of the required electrical components.  Once the electrical components have been procured, Lonnie Worthington (WØNXS) will be requesting any volunteers that wish to assist in the installation of the electrical and operating stations.
Update – Dean Binns (KDØAZZ) informed the trailer committee lead, Jim Belford (WXØU) on Feb 21st that he will no longer be able to assist with the community service trailer therefore anyone interested in filling Dean’s role in assisting with trailer should contact Jim Belford (WXØU).
·         KØV Report – Dwight Moore (KDØOIX) reported that the Veteran’s Day Special Event call sign (KØV) has been reserved again for Nov 5th – 11th.
·         DK 200 Update – Tim East (KØEMP) reported that discussions continue with the DK promoters on the expanded use of the EARS club members for the 2016 DK 200 and that some of the Kansas City Jeep Club members have indicated that they will have their technician licenses prior to the event which is schedule for June 4th.  Discussion was had regarding the probable need for several volunteer operators as the event will span a significant amount of time so multiple operators will be needed for coverage during the entire event.  Tim East (KØEMP) will provide more information in the coming months as discussions with the DK 200 promoters progress.
·         Field Day Update – Dwight Moore (KDØOIX) has coordinated with the ESU personnel and secured the ESU practice fields again this year which will be held June 25-26.  Dwight also indicated that we will be allowed to utilize the Community Service Trailer on the practice field it must remain only on the sides/ends and not on the actual practice field surface.  Discussion was had regarding whether we should operate as a 3A station as in the past or as a 2A station which is more realistic given the number of operators that we actually have on the air at one time during recent field day outings.  There was also discussion regarding the value/use of the GOTA (Get-On-The-Air) station.  The declaration of a 2A vs 3A station and the use of the GOTA station were tabled for future discussion.  UPDATE (not included in originally distributed minutes) David Claridge (ADØSF) has volunteered to be Safety Officer for Field Day.
·         Additional Discussions – Discussion was had regarding the EARS club license (KØSSR) as it expires in June as well as the need to change the address of record.  It still currently reflects a Madison, KS address, therefore in the event that we received any official FCC correspondence to the address of record and it was returned there could be a potential issue with our FCC licensing.  The potential for allowing the current license to expire and reapplying for a new license and different call sign was discussed.  The topic was tabled for future discussion with the executive committee to provide further research into the potential options and steps needed.
6.         Election of Officers – Prior to the election process, Tim East (KØEMP) thanked the outgoing officers; Vice-President, Andrew Wayman (KDØRTY) and Secretary/Treasurer, Jason Brinkman (KØSSZ) for their service over the past year.
            Elections were held for the following 2016 EARS Club Officer with the following results:
President - Tim East (KØEMP)
Vice-President – David Claridge (ADØSF)
Secretary/Treasurer – Lonnie Worthington (WØNXS)
President, Tim East (KØEMP) and other members in attendance also thanked George Phoenix (KDØRII) and Dean Binns (KDØAZZ) for running for Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer, respectively.  Dave Winfough (KCØURW) also expressed how nice it is to see that the EARS meetings are well attended and how active the club is as compared to when he first joined.
7.         Presentation – Dwight Moore (KDØOIX) provided an informative presentation on the use and cost-effectiveness of utilizing a QSL Bureau for the handling of international QSL cards.  Our area QSL bureau is WØ QSL Bureau, PO Box 907, Florissant, MO 63032.
            Additional information can be found on the ARRL website via the following links:
            Outgoing QSL Service:
            Outgoing QSL Bureau Rules:

8.         Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00 A

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